Spirit of the Butterfly
The butterfly is lively and full of energy,
A never ending fountain of youth,
as we just stare in amazement.
Does she even know we are watching?
The butterfly dances to a song only she hears,
A dance that comes from the inside out,
Her inner soul revealed.
Does she know how much joy she brings us?
The butterfly spreads her wings in triumph,
Never doubting, eager to please,
Sharing herself with us.
Does she know how beautiful she is?
The butterfly moves where God tells her to,
Settling down only long enough to touch you.
Then she is off again on another of God’s errands.
Does she know how she has healed us?
You are my gentle butterfly.
Floating innocently along.
Saying more with actions than with words,
A tender softness that warms our hearts.
Do you know how much we love you?